Saturday, April 13, 2013

Reading Questions: What New Media is not?

What New Media is not?

1.What are the benefits of all new media sharing the same digital code?
With all from of new media (still images, visual, audio, and 3D-displays) sharing the same digital code, all of these forms can be presented using a computer. This only became common around the 1990’s, filmmakers have been combining different forms of media (images, sounds and text) for over a century. The use of computers and consumer level software has allowed for anyone to combine different forms of media together with expensive or hard to operate equipment.

2. What are some of the downsides of digital duplication?
Digital technology has made it easier for most forms of media to be duplicated. In doing this, different forms of duplication causes a loss in quality. An audio MP3 is a compressed version of the original AIFF or WAV file of CD quality. The file is made up of 44.1 kHz and a sample size of 16 bits. An MP3 file is a compressed version of that. The compression of an MP3 is not standardized. Because of that, it is very difficult to sync an MP3 file to time code for video production.

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